Small Feet Shoes Top Tips To Make Your Legs Look Longer

Here are some great tip's to create the illusion of longer pins despite having a petite frame.  This is the one true accessory you need to create and cheat your way to longer looking legs



Opt for higher waists and skirts to create the illusion of longer legs, by wearing clothes that sit higher than the natural waist you will appear to have longer legs.



When it comes to shoe shopping choose nude colours that compliment your skin tone especially when wearing skirts and dresses.  Avoid thick ankle straps, these will shorten you.  Nude shoes give us petites the illusion of uninterrupted legs and will make them look longer.



Don't opt for longer length tops, this creates the effect of a longer torso making the legs appear smaller.  Instead tuck tops into your trousers to reverse this illusion.  Wear jackets and coats that are cropped too.



When choosing skirts, make sure to avoid calf length as thhis is the thickest part of your leg and can make you appear stumpy.  Petites can work longer lengths well especially when pairing with heels just be sure to avoid the hemline doesn't sit on the calfs.



When wearing round and square toe shoes, these will shorten you, instead opt for something more feminine like pointed toes or peep toes for nights out